Auto Gearbox

Drive, of course, covers all the forward gears — and because an automatic transmission selects those gears automatically based on throttle position, vehicle speed and other factors, Drive is the. According to How Stuff Works, the biggest advantage of an automatic transmission is the ability to drive without the need for a clutch as is required with a manual transmission. Individuals with. If your automatic transmission isn't working efficiently, you may slip in and out of gear while you're driving - ultimately ruining your ride's performance. Another indicator of a faulty automatic transmission is large quantity transmission fluid leaks. When accelerating, a malfunctioning automatic transmission can also cause transmission lag. Some automatic transmissions have a service pan that houses the transmission filter. This transmission has a heat shield to keep heat from the exhaust away from the transmission. Some transmission pans have a fluid drain plug used to drain the fluid. Insert drain plug removal tool and turn counter clockwise.


For more than seventy-five years three generations of the Sollish family have pledged that Auto Gear will be the “Best Today and Better Tomorrow”. Our commitment to you, our customers, has never wavered.

A very important part of that commitment is dependability. And, to ensure that Auto Gear remains dependable, Auto Gear must remain financially viable. Unfortunately, our current gearbox pricing will not assure this. We are required, therefore, to announce a new price schedule, effective on all orders placed on or after May 1.

Thank you for your confidence and support.
G.E. Sollish, Chief Engineer and CEO

Welcome to the online home of Auto Gear Equipment Motorsports, where the last company actively designing and improving four-speed manually-shifted gearboxes reveals all.

We believe that ‘driving a stick’ — controlling the torque of a big V8 with foot and hand — is one of those priceless opportunities to give all-conquering technology the finger that, no matter where the car companies go, racers and enthusiasts will continue to demand. That’s why we do it — to make sure you have the chance. And, because, quite honestly, after seventy years in the business, we’re very good at it.

There are five more questions almost everyone asks.

Are Auto Gear ‘Muscle Car’ parts as good as original equipment?

Auto Gearbox Clutch

If they were only that good we’d scrap them! Manufacturing advances such as CNC machining, diamond cutting tools, cleaner steels, and better control of heat treatment enable us to do things General Motors could only dream of doing in 1965. There was a saying then — If it’s to print it goes to service, if not, it goes to production. That’s why we don’t ‘blueprint’ any more. It’s no longer necessary.

How are Auto Gear ‘Muscle Car’ parts made?

Manual transmission engineering is a Syracuse tradition older than the automobile; when we can’t answer questions ‘in house’, we routinely tap world-class resources available almost nowhere else in North America. All our gears and shafts and castings are controlled by Auto Gear prints. Which means that we decide when they’re ‘to print’, not our vendors. Furthermore, wherever possible mating parts are sourced with a single vendor so there’s undivided responsibility that they run properly together.

Where are Auto Gear ‘Muscle Car’ parts made?

Today, in a relationship more than a quarter-century old, our four speed gearing is supplied by the Italian firm Euroricambi and their A.M. Gears subsidiary (the near-legendary craftsmen of Antonio Masiero). Castings are poured in the United States and machined either in house (our aluminum), or within an hour’s drive (our steel and iron). Synchronizer rings, bearings, oilseals and small parts are supplied by leading name brand vendors worldwide. For us, quality and performance always trump country of origin. Price is important, but never governs.


Why not bring some or all of your offshore items back to the United States?

We’ve tried. Did you know that, compared to Italy, it actually costs the same or less to make gears in the United States? Pricing’s the problem. You want value for your money, and the American vendors we’ve asked won’t work on internationally competitive margins.

Why don’t you offer a five speed?


For many years, big American V8’s, with their awesome torque and wide power bands, were the envy of the automotive world. And often, what impressed the enthusiasts and engineers was how little the cars they powered needed to shift. When did shifting become more important than driving? We’re not persuaded. More gears are better only when they’re needed, and most of our customers cannot actually use more than four. That said, we agree that some racing or high speed road applications might benefit from five gears properly spaced.

Looking for parts or upgrades? Check out Auto Gear Direct.

Need ratio help? Coming Soon.


Time for new gears or a gearbox? Check out Auto Gear EZ-Spec.

Questions? Check out Auto Gear Support.

Whether you’re a seasoned driver or perhaps you’re thinking about learning how to drive, you’ll probably already have an opinion on the manual vs automatic debate. In the UK pretty much everyone drives a manual transmission car, whereas over the pond in the US, it would be unusual to drive a manual transmission car. In this manual vs automatic review, we will look at the difference between the two types of transmission. We will look at the pros and cons of both and conclude with what we feel is the best choice.

But firstly, let’s answer that all important question…

What’s the Difference Between Manual and Automatic Car Transmission?

A car needs a full working transmission (or gearbox) in order to allow the vehicle to change gears, but the inner workings of a vehicle differs greatly between a manual transmission car and an automatic transmission car. A manual car is recognisable from the inside, as it contains a clutch pedal, which is used to change gears, as well as a gear shift stick between the two front seats, which offers full control of the car and between 5-6 gears and reverse.

An automatic car differs in that it has a simplified gearbox with the following settings: Park – P, Reverse – R, Neutral – N and Drive – D.

In a manual transmission car you will select the right type of gear for your journey, changing where necessary throughout. An automatic car does what it says on the tin, in that it selects the right type of gear for you in relation to your speed and the road conditions.

But Which is Best…Manual or Automatic?

At the end of the day, when it comes to choosing whether or not to drive an automatic or manual car, it’s still a matter of opinion and personal taste. There are many factors to take into consideration, which we will go into more detail later, but generally speaking it depends on a number of things, including what type of driver you are, the roads and conditions that you drive and your budget.

Let’s look at the nitty gritty of automatic and manual transmission cars…

Auto Gearbox Background Wallpaper

Why Automatic Is Better

You’ll find that people are very evenly divided when it comes to which type of transmission they prefer and it’s often directly related to the type of car they learnt how to drive. If you learnt to drive a manual you’re going to find it strange driving an automatic and vice versa.

People generally love automatics because they’re easier to drive. The gearbox is so simple even a child could use the controls. Because automatic cars are easier to drive, many people choose to learn how to drive automatics only, so in this respect, they can make learning to drive way more accessible for people who otherwise might find manual gears tricky. It’s a safer way to learn too, as you’ll be keeping both hands on the wheel at all times as the gears are being taken care of automatically. This means you have more time to focus on your road position and speed.

Automatic cars are better in cities where you drive through stop-start traffic. The drive will feel a lot more comfortable as the transition between gears will feel smoother. Stalling won’t be an issue either as there is no clutch to create that embarrassing judder that always seems to occur at the lights.

Automatic transmission cars are better for areas with lots of hills. They might not be as fun to drive on a hilly road, but it’ll definitely be less stressful as navigating steep roads using a manual transmission can be tricky business.

Why Automatic Is Worse

If you learn to drive using an automatic transmission car then you’ll always be an ‘automatic driver’. This means that if you wanted to drive a manual transmission car, then you’d have to retake your test in a manual car. Better to learn how to drive manual car and then make the decision as to which you prefer afterwards in our opinion.

Automatic cars are thought to be not as fuel-efficient as a manual transmission car, although technology is advancing and some are said to be better.

One of the downsides of driving an automatic car, is that they’re more expensive to buy. Not only is the initial purchase cost higher, but they also can be expensive to fix as the mechanisms are more complex than the mechanisms of their manual brothers.

Another knock-on effect of this, is that insurance is often higher for an automatic car. So while these cars are felt to be safer than manual transmission cars, they will cost you more money in the long run.

Why Manual Is Better

Most manual transmission drivers will tell you that the reason that they like driving manual is because it feels like real driving. With a manual car (or stick shift in the US) you have total control of the vehicle, you’re more involved with the mechanics of the car and will find that it’s an entirely different type of drive to that of an automatic. With an automatic transmission car you will no doubt have an easier, smoother journey. A manual car will challenge you in different ways but ultimately you will get a better sense of fun when you have total control over the gears and clutch. Of course this is only really the case if your daily commute isn’t in heavy traffic each day. For that, an automatic would be definitely better.

Manual cars are more fuel efficient – as the engines are lighter and less complicated you’ll get more mileage from your fuel. The car isn’t second-guessing gears either, which automatics tend to do, you have control over the gears and the way in which your car uses its fuel.

The biggest reason to drive a manual car is that they’re significantly cheaper to buy both new and second-hand. If you’re looking to save money then consider driving a manual car, as not only are the running costs lower than an automatic and the initial cost of buying cheaper, but the insurance costs are lower too and this is because the inner workings of a manual car are far less complicated.

Driving a manual car means that you will have to learn how to drive and take your test in a manual car. Once passed you will own a manual license which means you can choose to drive manual or automatic. It’s much better this way around.

Why Manual Is Worse

As we mentioned above, if your daily commute involves hundreds of miles of motorway then maybe a manual car isn’t the best choice for you. It’s nice to have full control of your vehicle but after a few hours on a straight road you’ll wish your car was working the gears itself.

Most car hire places in Europe and pretty much all car hire places in the US will offer you an automatic transmission car. If you passed your driving test in a manual car then it’s going to take a while to get your head around automatic gears. That being said, it’s easier to learn automatic than stick-shift gears.

Auto Gearbox Pump

Manual cars are more difficult to drive and involve more thinking. If you live in a hilly area then this it can be tricky to operate the gears and clutch.

You’re likely to stall in a manual transmission car. It will happen from time to time and it will always happen when people are watching. The shame of a stall never fades.

Related Post: How To Properly Add Fluid to an Automatic Transmission Car


The subject of manual transmission vs automatic transmission is always going to be subjective. Everyone has their favourite type of driving, because really that’s what it is. Little to do with the car and more about the driving. What type of drive do you want? If you live in an urban area and spend long periods of time on straight roads amid heavy traffic, then a manual car might not be the best choice for you. An automatic car could make a daily commute like this much more bearable.

Some drivers just want more control. If you learnt how to drive on a manual and then switch to an automatic you will know that the feeling is strange. It’s almost like something is missing. It doesn’t tend to feel like driving at all, it feels a bit like cheating, which as ridiculous as it sounds, will ring true for manual car drivers.

The issue of budget needs to be reiterated too. Automatic cars are definitely more expensive to buy, more expensive to fix and more expensive to insure. But they are easier and have their benefits too.

Before making a decision to buy a manual or automatic car then really look at your driving needs and at least try out the two different types in order to get a sense of how they feel.

Auto Gearbox Cooler

You’ll instantly know which one you prefer.


  1. How to Choose Between a Car with Automatic or Manual Transmission, wikiHow
  2. Is it better (or easier) to tow with an automatic or manual transmission? – howstuffworks

Isuzu Trooper 3.1 Auto Gearbox & Transfer Box