
If you like photo filters, then SuperPhoto is for you! Awesome effects can be applied to your whole photo (from the Gallery, Camera, or Facebook) or split between the background and front. You'll create the most awesome photos!

SuperPhoto offers two different options: HDR and AUTO. Subtitle edit download for mac. HDR captures the same high-dynamic range photos that were introduced with HERO6 Black. Whereas AUTO analyzes a wide range of scene statistics—such as dynamic range, available light and scene motion—then automatically selects one of four methods for processing the image:

SuperPhoto Full. Flight simulator games for mac download. Moonlighting Apps Spain +1500 awesome effects to your gallery, camera & social photos! PhotoMania - Photo Effects. PhotoMania is a free, powerful and fun photo editing application. Photo Filters And Effects: Cool Photo Effects 🤳. 17,472 likes 5 talking about this. Turn your photos into amazing art pieces with just one click! Available for iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Windows 10 and Amazon.

  1. High-Dynamic Range
  2. Local Tone Mapping
  3. Multi-Frame Noise Reduction
  4. Standard (or none)

To give a better idea of how each image-processing method works, here is a quick peek at what happens under the hood each time you take a SuperPhoto.

Superphoto For Mac

Pro Tip: We recomend setting your HERO7 Black SuperPhoto mode to AUTO, so you know it will be working its magic, allowing you to stay present in the moment.

Superphoto Premium

High Dynamic Range (HDR)


Leveraging the power of the GP1 Chip, HDR was first introduced on HERO6 Black. It works by quickly capturing multiple images back-to-back using different exposure settings, then intelligently combines them into a single image. This reveals greater detail in shadows and highlights, and for scenes like sunsets or back-lit selfies, HDR reveals details that were previously lost on a GoPro.