How Do I Move Photos from Google Photos to OneDrive?
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'I want to backup my Google Photos to OneDrive, is there any way can help me?'
If you also have such a demand, you might have tried hard to find solutions too because neitherGoogle Photos nor OneDrive allows syncing with the other brands of cloud services directly. Sohow to achieve the goal? The following part will tell you the answer.
Common Solutions: How to Sync Google Photos with OneDrive?
In this part, two common ways will be introduced and you could choose one based on yourpreference.
Solution 1: Download and Upload
Step 1: Go to the official site of Google Photos and log in your accounts.
Step 2: Select all the photos and click on 'Download' button to download them to your localPC.
Step 3: Log in OneDrive.
Step 4: Click on '+ New' to upload the files.
You are able to move photos from Google Photos to OneDrive through this way but you may need tonotice some tips below before you perform the operations via Solution 1.
- You have to operate the task manually.
- The speed of the Internet affects the speed of downloading and uploading, so it wouldtake you a lot of time to do the task.
- It would be better to delete the downloaded files from your PC after uploading the filesto OneDrive as soon as possible because they will take up the space of your localstorage.
Solution 2: Use Google Takeout
Google Takeout, also called 'Download your data', is a project that allows users of Googleproducts to export their data from Google Photos, Google Keep, YouTube, Google Map, etc toan archive file so that users can transfer data to local PC, Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive orBox. You can also backup Google Photos to OneDrive in this way.
Step 1: Go to the official site of Google Takeout and log in youraccounts.
Step 2: Select Google Photos to export and click on 'Next step' button.
Step 3: Select 'Add to OneDrive' option as the delivery method and click on 'Link account andcreate archive' icon.
Step 4: Accept the permissions that Google Takeout sends to you.
Step 5: Sign in your OneDrive account and move to 'Files' interface and you can see the exporteddata from Google Photos in 'Google Download Your Data' folder.
You don't have to download the files first by using Google Takeout, but when you try to migratefiles with this method, you need to notice these tips.
- Solution 2 requires uninterrupted and high speed of the Internet connection and theentire transferring process will be re-started if the Internet connection isinterrupted.
- If you want to copy some large files, it might take a long time to complete.
If it is a bit of annoying for you to download and upload files or the speed of the Internet isslow, there is another method that can help you---you can make full use of a free third partytool, MultCloud, which is capable of syncing files across clouds based on web from oneconsole without downloading and uploading.
New Solution: How to Sync Google Photos with OneDrive with MultCloud?
With the professional multiplecloud manager, MultCloud, you neither have to download files nor worry about the Internetspeed---because MultCloud allows you to directly use Google Photos and OneDrive on one platformand the process of synchronizing runs on the server. Let's have a closer look at how it works.
Step 1. Sign Up

Before doing the operations, you need to create one MultCloud account. If you do not want to register it, youcould click 'Experiece without signing up'.
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Step 2. Add Clouds
Click on 'Add Clouds' and add Google Photos and OneDrive to MultCloud.
- You are allowed to add only one cloud for one time, so please repeat 'Add Clouds'operation if you want to add more than one cloud.
- Once you add cloud drives to MultCloud, you can use them at the same time viaMultCloud.
Step 3. Sync Google Photos and OneDrive with 'Cloud Sync'
'Cloud Sync' allows you quickly to achieve your goal. Click on 'Cloud Sync' icon and selectGoogle Photos as the source and OneDrive as the destination. Then click on 'Sync Now' to realizethe migration.
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Note: The operation is going to sync all the data under Google Photos to OneDrive. Ifyou just want to sync several folders to OneDrive, you cloud select folders that need tosync as the source.
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Final Words
This article introduces 3 methods on how to sync Google Photos with OneDrive, you can choose themethod that you like to help you perform the operation. Besides 'Cloud Sync' feature, MultCloudalso has 'Cloud Explorer' and 'Cloud Transfer' functions.

'Cloud Explorer' function allows you to share, encrypt files, manage multiple clouds, remoteupload, etc. So you can remote upload to Google Drive or manage multiple OneDriveAccounts if necessary. Moreover, if you want to transfer Google Drive to Dropbox or move files from GoogleDrive to OneDrive, 'Cloud Transfer' function can help you.