WPS Office is the smallest size (less than 37MB) and all-in-one complete free office suite on Android mobile and tablets, integrates all office word processor functions: Word, PDF, Presentation, Spreadsheet, Memo and Docs Scanner in one application, and fully compatible with Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Google Doc and Adobe PDF format.
WPS is a Federal program that authorizes cellular communications service providers to prioritize calls over wireless networks. Participation in the WPS program is voluntary. Participating service providers typically deploy WPS in stages until service is available in most coverage areas and functionality has reached full operating capability.
Wi-Fi Protected Setup™ (WPS) is a feature that lets you easily connect WPS-supported client devices, such as wireless printers, to your router wirelessly. This article will provide three (3) methods that you can follow depending on what client device you are using to connect to the router through the WPS feature. WPS stands for 'Wi-Fi Protected Setup,' It gives you an easier way to connect devices to your router. If you've connected a device to a router before, you've likely experienced the horrors of default router passwords. A regulated electric and gas utility serving Wisconsin and Michigan. Electric Emergency: 800-450-7240, Gas Emergency: 800-450-7280, Customer Service: 800-450-7260. Free & Ultra-light Office for Windows released! WPS Office creates a whole new office environment.
Authorized users dial *272 on a WPS enabled device to receive calling queue priority. WPS calls do not preempt calls in progress, but provide priority status over cellular communications networks.
To get priority status over the wireline communications network, you need to use the Government Emergency Telecommunications Service (GETS). WPS and GETS can be used in combination.
The WPS program is in effect all the time--it is not contingent on a major disaster or attack taking place.
Who Should Enroll?
You should enroll if your organization is a Federal, state, local, and tribal police department, fire department, public safety answering point or 9-1-1 call center, EMS entity, essential healthcare provider or any other organization that uses telecommunication services necessary for the public health, safety, and maintenance of law and order.
Why Should I Sign Up?
If you rely on cellular communications services on a daily basis to perform critical national security and emergency preparedness functions, including those areas related to safety, maintenance of law and order, and public health, you need WPS. By dialing *272 on your WPS enabled device, your call receives a calling queue priority over regular calls, thereby greatly increasing the probability that your cellular call will get through the network, even with congestion.
This program can be extremely beneficial during a major disaster or attack in which the public telecommunications networks are congested by high call volumes and/or damage to the telecommunications infrastructure.

How Do I Enroll?
By filling out an application and providing a point of contact for your organization. In your application, you will need to certify that your mission meets national security and emergency preparedness requirements as set forth in the WPS program information. If your organization qualifies, the WPS Program Office will contact your cellular communications service provider and complete the process. WPS is an added feature to your phone; the software changes necessary are handled by the WPS Program Office. You do not need to do anything with your phone or take it to your cellular communications service provider.
What Does It Cost?
A one-time activation fee of $10, along with a monthly fee of $4.50, and charges of 75 cents per minute apply to WPS.
WPS Contacts & Support
Wps For Desktop
Department of Homeland Security
- Phone: 866-627-2255
- Phone (DC Metro Area): 703-676-2255
- Phone (24/7): 703-235-5080
- Email: gets@hq.dhs.gov
Other Resources
FCC Contacts
Tim Perrier
- Phone: 202-418-1190
- Email: timothy.perrier@fcc.gov
FCC 24/7 Operations Center
- Phone: 202-418-1122
- Email: FCCOPS@fcc.gov
Also found in: Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.
Acronym | Definition |
WPS | Wi-Fi Protected Setup |
WPS | Women's Professional Soccer (league; est. 2007) |
WPS | Wisconsin Physicians Service (insurance corporation) |
WPS | Websphere Portal Server |
WPS | Microsoft Works (file extension) |
WPS | Web Processing Service (Open Geospatial Consortium) |
WPS | West Philipines Sea |
WPS | Wireless Print Server (various companies) |
WPS | Welding Procedure Specification |
WPS | Water Purification System |
WPS | Worcester Public School (Worcester, MA) |
WPS | Web Proxy Server (computing) |
WPS | Word Processing System |
WPS | Wireless Print Server |
WPS | Windows Printing System |
WPS | Web and Pervasive Security |
WPS | Work Profiling System |
WPS | Word Processing Software |
WPS | Web Portal System |
WPS | Workplace Shell |
WPS | Windows Power Shell |
WPS | Web Proxy Server |
WPS | Write Protect Software |
WPS | Word Packages |
WPS | Web Publishing System |
WPS | Wireless Push Server |
WPS | Web Payments Standard |
WPS | Worker Protection Standard |
WPS | Wireless Provisioning Services |
WPS | Wireless Portal Suite |
WPS | White Pages Services |
WPS | Web Publishing Service |
WPS | What the Papers Say (Russian media monitoring agency) |
WPS | Wireless Protected Setup |
WPS | Wi-Fi Positioning System (Skyhook Wireless) |
WPS | Workplace Safety |
WPS | Windows Printing System (Microsoft) |
WPS | Wireless Priority Service |
WPS | Weymouth Public Schools (Weymouth, MA) |
WPS | Worker Protection Standards (US EPA) |
WPS | Water Pumping Station (various locations) |
WPS | Worldwide Port System |
WPS | Words Per Second |
WPS | Wireless Provisioning Service (Microsoft) |
WPS | While Playing Screen (Rockbox open source jukebox firmware) |
WPS | Woo Pig Sooie |
WPS | Weapons Squadron (USAF) |
WPS | Washington Professional Systems |
WPS | Wholesale Photo Supply |
WPS | World Power Systems (Los Angeles, CA) |
WPS | Warrior Princess Submissive (Michael Makai book) |
WPS | Wood & Paper Science (North Carolina State University) |
WPS | Woodlands Primary School (Singapore) |
WPS | Worst Possible Scenario |
WPS | Windows Powered Smartphone (mobile phone) |
WPS | Win, Place or Show |
WPS | Work Placement Scheme (various organizations) |
WPS | Warp Propulsion System (Star Trek) |
WPS | Wyoming Public Schools (Wyoming, Michigan) |
WPS | Wellington Primary School (Singapore) |
WPS | White Pages Service |
WPS | Wellington Photographic Society (New Zealand) |
WPS | Wind Power Supervisor (various companies) |
WPS | Wireless Packet Scheduling |
WPS | Wisconsin Public Service Utility |
WPS | White Pacific Securities, Inc. (San Francisco, CA) |
WPS | Worldwide Payment System |
WPS | Welding Procedure Sheet |
WPS | Water Polo Saskatchewan (Regina, SK, Canada) |
WPS | Water Pressure Switch |
WPS | Workload Planning System |
WPS | White Powdery Substance |
WPS | WertpapierServiceBank |
WPS | Wangaratta Primary School (Victoria, Australia) |
WPS | Wideband Packet Switches |
WPS | Workstation Publishing System |
WPS | World Percussion Sessions |
WPS | Work Package Status |
WPS | With Prior Service |
WPS | Weapon Preload Software (B-1B) |
WPS | Water Port System (surface distribution and deployment command system) |
WPS | Waveform Processing System |
WPS | Worship and Praise Songbook |
WPS | Woodgrove Primary School (Singapore) |
WPS | Widowed Persons Service, Inc. |
WPS | Weighted Progress Scale (toilet training) |
WPS | Written Problem Statement |
WPS | Waveform Processing Service |
WPS | Worthless Piece of Stuff (polite form) |
WPS | Whole Potato Sorter (Key Technology) |
WPS | Wireline & Perforating Services |
WPS | White Powder Suspension (chemical reagent) |
Wps For Arm
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